Chinese Brush Painting - an ancient art - is a fascinating form to capture the essence of a subject, but not to paint an exact replica of it.
Symbolism and philosophy play significant role in Chinese paintings.

The four seasons are represented with clearly defined format, which gives clues to a particular time of the year.
Spring scenery often includes fog over the mountains with light green.
Summer scenery are shown with full of green color, blue sky with clouds and calm waters.
Autumn scenery are showing changing colors on sky and trees. Harvest and preparation for winter are included as well.
Winter scenery - most of landscape is covered in snow.

Technique was developed in the 18th century in Japan
as a doll making technique, where a pattern is drawn and then cut onto a surface.
Fabric is then placed over the pattern and tucked into the cuts.
Diversity in colours, shapes and sizes, which support and complement each other a piece of art has been created.
Squares, triangles and other quadrilaterals, and all kinds of different colours can coexist.
Type of fabric moosaic had been created.
Painting with wool technique uses wool fiber instead paint to imitate traditional painting and drawing. Using wool as a medium for 'painting' an image involves a blending of fibres, sculpting of the wool and felting with needle to create a picture. The picture is built up, similar in many ways to using paint. With this technique - pieces are bursting with texture and depth

From diversity in colours, shapes and sizes like in spring or summer garden full of flowers, which bloom, trivet and prosper together, support and complement each other a piece of art has been created.
It symbolize how thousands of pieces so diversified can be joined together to represent integrity, inclusiveness and togetherness.
Squares, triangles and other quadrilaterals, slim or thick, big or small with sharp or smooth edges and all kinds of different colours can coexist and cohabitation can be tranquil.
Sometimes small adjustments are required to fit piece to whole composition, but when is done, shape and colours are complementing each other and are adding sparkling light to the piece.
By creating this mosaic I expressed my emotions about belongings to cultural and social society.
Mosaic is composed of a combination of diverse elements and I am one small piece in this mosaic.
The medium with many different methods, 'tricks of the trade' and 'happy accidents'.

Can be use on paper, canvas, or board, paint can be thick or thin, apply with brush or knives or pouring, combine with other media, stick with paper for collage effects.

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