M a r y l a ' s U n i v e r s e
K n i t t i n g s
You have knits and purls to create something.
Stiches work together - by manipulate one loop - fabric is weaved.
The possibilities for the finished garment endless.
I l o v e k n i t t i n g !

Shawls Wraps Cowls

New butterfly


rounded with pin

for Mirka

I am warm

rounded in blue
Sweaters & Wests

Beige top

Orange for summer

Blue for winter

in pink


in pink

with diases

with cherry

with red carnations

Green for fall

with diases

with cherry

Ideal for Fall
For children

For girl

With heart

For boy

White for all




Hats collection

Blue set

for Linda

all in white

soft black and white

for mom and daughter

polka dot beret

Frenzy Green

Sparky green


Blue with scarf

Black and white

Shawl as hat